Dienstag, 8. November 2011

Lily Halpern in James Maslow verliebt?

Wer jetzt gut Englisch kann hat jetzt mal einen Vorteil.
So könnt ihr lesen was Lily Halpern in einem Interview über BTR und besonders James sagte.
Hier mal das Interview:
( wers net versteht einfach mal in den Google Übersetzer eingeben ;) )

You toured with Big Time Rush this fall. What was it like on the road with the boys?
It was so much fun — just being able to hang out and be around the guys was great because previous to that I always toured with kids a lot younger than me. So it was great to hang out and I learned a lot from them because they’re such seasoned performers.
You also have a love song called “Wishlist”. Who is on your wishlist of celebrity crushes?
Ryan Reynolds is beautiful! But as for people I actually know that I think are good people, probably James Maslow from Big Time Rush. We spent a lot of time together on tour. He’s really a wonderful person. He loves dogs and I love dogs and we’re pretty good friends. I definitely have a bit of a crush on him.
Well, it’s not as awkward now that you’re not touring with him anymore.
No, it’s so funny! He was in a popstar magazine and he me called and told me he told the magazine he had a crush on me. I was like, “Oh my God! I have a crush on you too!” All of the Big Time Rush guys are so cool. They’re so down to earth with the amount of celebrity they are. They’re all in Canada right now so I kind of miss them.

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